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KMZ / KML to SUUNTO converter
version 1.4 official webpage
KMZ/KML to SUUNTO converter, official website Ge2Suunto converts Waypoints, Routes and Tracks from KMZ or KML format to SUUNTO (.SDF) data file in a few steps.

KMZ or KML to SDF file format

How to proceed:
  1. Save your points in KMZ or KML format.
  2. Load that file using Ge2Suunto.
  3. Then edit, modify and delete waypoints, and select the data that you want to convert to SUUNTO format (Route waypoints or Tracks) and save it.
  4. Upload the SDF converted file to your Suunto PC software (for example Suunto Trek Manager).

· License price: € 20 Euros
· Payment: one time, credit card
· Taxes: no taxes, no additional costs
· License type: single user, single machine
· License validity period: no time limit
· Support period: one year
· Updates: for free

· Size: 698KB
· Updated: Dec/30/2011
· Environment: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 32/64-bit
· Installation: no installation required
· MD5: 34ff2d6277c9aa075222e043448d1a62



Download link


This software is digitally signed with an Authenticode Certificate to ensure its integrity and authenticity.

Created by David Jorge Aguirre Grazio and Raul Fernando Colombo
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SUUNTO is a registered trademark of Suunto Oy.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation., Diving Instruments, Field Compasses, Marine Compasses, Precision Instruments Suunto X9i X9, Suunto Sail Manager, Suunto Trek Manager, Suunto Ski Manager, M9 TrackLog, X9 TrackLog, S6 SkiChrono, S6 Skilog
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